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  Unidentified gamma-ray sources. IV. X-ray (Paggi+, 2013)
    J/ApJS/209/9/swift(c)Catalog of XRT-PC detected in the positional uncertainty region of the 2FGL source with their UVOT counterparts (tables 1 and 2) (357 rows)
    J/ApJS/209/9/table3(c)XRT-PC sources featuring a USNO-B counterpart within the positional error (194 rows)
    J/ApJS/209/9/table4UGSs without XRT-PC counterparts in the Fermi LAT positional uncertainty region (62 rows)
    J/ApJS/209/9/table5XRT-PC counterparts to γ-ray blazar-like sources selected according to Papers I and V. (29 rows)
    J/ApJS/209/9/table6XRT-PC counterparts to γ-ray blazar-like sources selected with the KDE technique (37 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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