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  Antennae galaxies (NGC 4038/4039) revisited (Whitmore+, 2010)
    J/AJ/140/75/antennae(c)Antennae catalog of point-like objects (60788 rows)
    J/AJ/140/75/table1(c)Training Set 1: isolated stars (26 rows)
    J/AJ/140/75/table2(c)Training Set 1: old globular clusters (42 rows)
    J/AJ/140/75/table3(c)Training Set 2 (NW extension): intermediate-age clusters (10 rows)
    J/AJ/140/75/table4(c)Training Set 3 (Knot S): mixed stars and clusters (23 rows)
    J/AJ/140/75/table5(c)Training Set 3 (Knot S): brightest candidate yellow and blue stars (13 rows)
    J/AJ/140/75/table6(c)50 most luminous clusters (50 rows)
    J/AJ/140/75/table7(c)50 most massive clusters (50 rows)
    J/AJ/140/75/table8(c)50 brightest NICMOS clusters (50 rows)
    J/AJ/140/75/table9Properties of knots, regions, and outer areas (43 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
elapse time 1