CDS.headStuff2 FORTRAN Generation

Conversion of standardized ReadMe file for catalog into FORTRAN code for reading data files line by line.

Note that special values are assigned to unknown or unspecified numbers (also called NULL numbers); when necessary, the coordinate components making up the right ascension and declination are converted into floating-point numbers representing these angles in degrees.

      program load_ReadMe
C  F77-compliant program generated by readme2f_1.81 (2015-09-23), on 2024-May-18
*  This code was generated from the ReadMe file documenting a catalogue
*  according to the "Standard for Documentation of Astronomical Catalogues"
*  currently in use by the Astronomical Data Centers (CDS, ADC, A&A)
*  (see full documentation at URL
*  Please report problems or questions to   

      implicit none
*  Unspecified or NULL values, generally corresponding to blank columns,
*  are assigned one of the following special values:
*     rNULL__    for unknown or NULL floating-point values
*     iNULL__    for unknown or NULL   integer      values
      real*4     rNULL__
      integer*4  iNULL__
      parameter  (rNULL__=--2147483648.)  	! NULL real number
      parameter  (iNULL__=(-2147483647-1))	! NULL int  number
      integer    idig			! testing NULL number

Cat. III/197             IRAS Low Resolution Spectra    (IRAS team, 1987)
*IRAS Low Resolution Spectra (LRS)
*     Joint IRAS Science Working Group
*    <NASA RP-1190 (1987)>
*    =1987yCat.3197....0J

C  Internal variables

      integer*4 i__

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'assoc.dat'	! Associated sources

      integer*4 nr__
      parameter (nr__=10913)	! Number of records
      character*58 ar__   	! Full-size record

      character*11  IRAS        ! IRAS source name
      integer*4     RecNo       ! Record number of IRAS source in lrs.dat
      integer*4     CatNum      ! Catalog number (1)
      character*15  Source      ! Source identification
      character*5   Type        ! Source type or spectral class (1)
      integer*4     Radius      ! (arcsec) Radius vector from IRAS source to association
      integer*4     Pos         ! (deg) Position angle (E of N), IRAS source to object
      integer*4     Field1      ! Object data field 1, catalog dependent (1)
      integer*4     Field2      ! Object data field 2, catalog dependent (1)
      integer*4     Field3      ! Object data field 3, catalog dependent (1)
*Note (1): Table X.B.4 in  the "IRAS Catalogs and Atlases Explanatory:
* Meaning of the Source Association Fields.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* CatNum             Field and Meaning
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1 GCVS             Type             Blank
*                    Field1 =         Code gives meaning for Fields 2-3
*                    if Field1 = 1    Field2 and Field3 are B mag [decimag] at
*                                        max,min
*                              = 2    Field2 and Field3 are V mag [decimag] at
*                                        max,min
*                              = 3    Field2 and Field3 are photographic mag
*                                        [decimag] at max,min
*                              = 4    Field2 and Field3 are estimated V mag
*                                        [decimag] at max,min
*                              = 5    Field2 is 999 and Field3 is 0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 2 Dearborn         Type             Blank
*   Obs.             Field1           Code for Field2 (1,2)
*                    Field2           if Field1 is 1, Field2 is red magnitude
*                                        [decimag]*
*                                     if Field1 is 2, Field2 is 999
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 3 Revised          Type             Blank
*   AFGL             Field1           Magnitude at 4.2 microns [decimag]
*                    Field2           Magnitude at 11 microns [decimag]
*                    Field3           Magnitude at 27 microns [decimag]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 4 2-Micron         Type             Blank
*   Sky Survey       Field1           K magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field2           I magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 5 Globules         Type             Blank
*   (Wesselius)      Field1           999
*                    Field2           Minimum diameter [arcsec]
*                    Field3           Maximum diameter [arcsec]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 6 RC2              Type             Blank
*                    Field1           Harvard V magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field2           B(T) [decimag]
*                    Field3           D(0) [arcsec]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 7 Stars with       Type             Blank
*   em. lines        Field1           V magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field2           999
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 8 Equatorial       Type             Blank
*   IR Cat.          Field1           Flux density [1.0E-16 W/cm**2/um]
*                                        at 2.7 microns
*                    Field2           999
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 9 UGC              Type             Blank
*                    Field1           Zwicky magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field2           Minimum diameter [arcsec] in B
*                    Field3           Maximum diameter [arcsec] in B
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 10 MCG             Type             Blank
*                    Field1           999
*                    Field2           Minimum diameter [arcsec] in B
*                    Field3           Maximum diameter [arcsec] in B
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 11 Strasbourg      Type             Blank
* Planetary Nebulae  Field1           V magnitude of Nebula [decimag]
*                    Field2           B magnitude of Center Star [decimag]
*                    Field3           Minimum diameter of Nebula [arcsec]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 12 Zwicky          Type             Blank
*                    Field1           Zwicky magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field2           999
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 13 SAO             Type             Spectral Type
*                    Field1           V magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field2           p(g) magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 14 ESO/            Type             First 3 characters of object type
* Uppsala            Field1           B magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field2           Maximum diameter [arcsec]
*                    Field3           Minimum diameter [arcsec]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 15 Bright          Type             Spectral Type
* Stars              Field1           V magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field2           B-V [centimag]
*                    Field3           U-B [centimag]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 16 Suspected       Type             Spectral Information
* Var.               Field1           V magnitude at maximum [decimag]
*                    Field2           999
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 17 Carbon          Type             Spectral Type (May be truncated)
* Stars              Field1           p(g) magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field2           V magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field3           I magnitude [decimag]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 18 Gliese          Type             Spectral Type (May be truncated)
*                    Field1           V magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field2           B-V magnitude [millimag]
*                    Field3           U-B magnitude [millimag]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 19 S Stars         Type             Blank
*                    Field1           p(g) magnitude [millimag]
*                    Field2           V magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field3           I magnitude [decimag]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 20 Parkes HII      Type             Blank
* Survey             Field1           999
*                    Field2           Minimum diameter [arcsec]
*                    Field3           Maximum diameter [arcsec]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 21 Bonn HII        Type             Blank
* Survey             Field1           Flux density at 4.875 GHz (Jy)
*                    Field2           Diameter [arcsec]
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 22 Blitz           Type             Blank
*                    Field1           Diameter [arcsec]
*                    Field2           V(CO) [Km/s]
*                    Field3           Peak T(A) [degrees K]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 23 OSU             Type             Blank
*                    Field1           999
*                    Field2           999
*                    Field3           Diameter [arcsec]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 24 IRC             Type             C if 2.2 micron sources are possibly
*                                        confused, w/good pos. blank otherwise
*                    Field1           Right ascension difference (IRC-IRAS)
*                                        [deciseconds of time]
*                    Field2           Declination difference (IRC-IRAS)
*                                        [seconds of arc]
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 25 DDO             Type             Blank
*                    Field1           999
*                    Field2           999
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 26 Arp             Type             Blank
*                    Field1           999
*                    Field2           999
*                    Field            0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 27 Markarian       Type             Blank
*                    Field1           999
*                    Field2           999
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 28 Strong          Type             Object type (GAL or QSO)
* 5 GHz              Field1           V magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field2           5 GHz flux density [deciJy]
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 29 Veron-          Type             Object classification
* Veron              Field1           V magnitude [decimag]
*                    Field2           Redshift x 1000
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 30 Zwicky          Type             Blank
* 8 Lists            Field1           999
*                    Field2           999
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 31 VV              Type             Blank
*                    Field1           Special flag, (see below) 999 otherwise
*                    Field2           999
*                    Field3           0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*                  VV Catalog Special Flags (Catalog 31)
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Field1   Explanation
*     10   VV 10 has the same coordinates  as VV 29 in the VV  Atlas.  The
*          UGC was used to confirm  that the coordinate is correct  for VV
*          29 and erroneous for VV 10.   The UGC position for VV 10  = UGC
*          10814 was adopted.
*     11   The  VV  position  is  substantially  different  (>400")   from
*          positions for the  object in other  catalogs.  The VV  position
*          has  been  assumed  to  be  in  error because two or more other
*          catalogs agree on a  different position.  The UGC  position has
*          been adopted.
*     12   Same as for 11, but the OSU position has been adopted.
*     13   The position in the VV  Atlas, and the position listed  for the
*          VV object in  the OSU are  in disagreement.  The  true position
*          has been established to be close to that of the OSU by the  use
*          of overlay  transparencies on  the POSS.  The OSU  position has
*          been adopted.
*     14   Same as for 13, but the  OSU position is not very good  either,
*          so a new position has been measured (accurate to about 1').
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


C  Loading file 'assoc.dat'	! Associated sources

C  Format for file interpretation

    1 format(A11,I6,1X,I2,A15,A5,I3,I3,I4,I4,I4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: assoc.dat'
      do i__=1,10913
     +  IRAS,RecNo,CatNum,Source,Type,Radius,Pos,Field1,Field2,Field3
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  IRAS,RecNo,CatNum,Source,Type,Radius,Pos,Field1,Field2,Field3
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do
